ETF vs Mutual Fund vs Index Fund in India – Is an ETF a Mutual Fund?

ETF vs Mutual Fund vs Index Fund in India


ETFs, Mutual Funds, and Index Funds are all popular investment options in India. Here is a point-wise comparison of the three options (ETF vs Mutual Fund vs Index Fund):

  1. Nature of Investment:
    ETFs are Exchange Traded Funds that track a specific index or basket of securities, Mutual Funds are investment vehicles that pool money from multiple investors to purchase a portfolio of securities, and Index Funds are a type of mutual fund or ETF with a portfolio constructed to match or track a financial market index.
  2. Diversification:
    Mutual Funds offer the highest level of diversification, as they can invest in a variety of securities, such as stocks, bonds, and money market instruments.
    Index Funds offer moderate diversification, as they track a specific index, and ETFs offer the least diversification, as they track a specific index or basket of securities.
  3. Liquidity:
    ETFs are highly liquid and can be bought or sold at any time during the trading day,
    while Mutual Funds are less liquid and can only be bought or sold at the end of the trading day. Index Funds have the same liquidity as Mutual Funds.
  4. Cost:
    ETFs generally have lower expense ratios compared to actively managed mutual funds,
    as the investment strategy is passive and involves tracking a specific index or basket of securities. Index Funds also have lower expense ratios compared to actively managed mutual funds.
  5. Flexibility:
    ETFs allow for real-time buying and selling and can be purchased in any quantity, making it a more flexible investment option compared to Mutual Funds and Index Funds.
  6. Investment Minimums:
    ETFs can be bought or sold in any quantity, making it accessible to a wider range of investors. Mutual Funds usually have a minimum investment amount, which may not be suitable for all investors. Index Funds have the same minimum investment requirements as Mutual Funds.
  7. Risk:
    All three investment options have market risk, as the value of the investment is tied to the performance of the underlying securities. However, the level of risk will depend on the specific ETF, mutual fund, or index fund and the securities it invests in.

In conclusion, ETFs, Mutual Funds, and Index Funds offer different advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between the three options will depend on an individual’s investment goals, risk tolerance, and investment time horizon. It is always advisable to consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.


  1. Is an ETF a Mutual Fund in india

    No, an ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) is not a Mutual Fund in India. An ETF is a type of investment fund that tracks a specific index or basket of securities, and is traded on a stock exchange.
    On the other hand, a Mutual Fund is an investment vehicle that pools money from multiple investors to purchase a portfolio of securities.
    While both ETFs and Mutual Funds offer a way to diversify investment portfolios, they differ in terms of trading, expense ratios, and diversification.

  2. What are ETFs, Mutual Funds, and Index Funds?

    ETFs are Exchange Traded Funds that track a specific index or basket of securities.
    Mutual Funds are investment vehicles that pool money from multiple investors to purchase a portfolio of securities.
    Index Funds are a type of mutual fund or ETF with a portfolio constructed to match or track a financial market index.

  3. What is the difference between ETFs and Mutual Funds?

    ETFs are traded on stock exchanges and offer real-time buying and selling, while Mutual Funds can only be bought or sold at the end of the trading day.
    ETFs have lower expense ratios compared to actively managed mutual funds, as the investment strategy is passive and involves tracking a specific index or basket of securities.
    ETFs allow for more flexibility in terms of the minimum investment amount, while Mutual Funds usually have a minimum investment requirement.

  4. What is the difference between ETFs and Index Funds?

    ETFs are traded on stock exchanges and offer real-time buying and selling, while Index Funds can only be bought or sold at the end of the trading day.
    ETFs have lower expense ratios compared to actively managed index funds, as the investment strategy is passive and involves tracking a specific index or basket of securities.
    ETFs offer less diversification compared to index funds, as they track a specific index or basket of securities, while Index Funds can invest in a broader range of securities.

  5. What is the difference between Mutual Funds and Index Funds?

    Mutual Funds offer a higher level of diversification, as they can invest in a variety of securities, such as stocks, bonds, and money market instruments. Index Funds offer moderate diversification, as they track a specific index.
    Mutual Funds have higher expense ratios compared to index funds, as they are actively managed.
    Mutual Funds have a minimum investment requirement, while Index Funds have the same minimum investment requirements as Mutual Funds.

  6. What are the benefits of investing in ETFs, Mutual Funds, and Index Funds in India?

    ETFs offer real-time buying and selling and lower expense ratios.
    Mutual Funds offer a higher level of diversification and can invest in a variety of securities.
    Index Funds offer low expense ratios and moderate diversification.

  7. What are the risks associated with ETFs, Mutual Funds, and Index Funds in India?

    All three investment options have market risk, as the value of the investment is tied to the performance of the underlying securities. The level of risk will depend on the specific ETF, mutual fund, or index fund and the securities it invests in.

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