
How to Calculate Profit in Share Market – Profit and Loss of Stocks

How to Calculate Profit in Share Market - Profit and Loss of Stocks

Profit in Share Market


Today’s article will discuss How to Calculate Profit in Share Market? Before that, what are the profit and loss of stocks on the same?
Profit in the stock market is the amount of money that an investor earns from buying and selling
stocks. Profit is calculated by subtracting the purchase price (or cost basis) of a stock from the selling price. If the selling price is higher than the purchase price, the investor earns a profit.

It’s important to note that stock market profits are not guaranteed and can be affected by various factors such as market conditions, company performance, and overall economic conditions.

Additionally, when calculating profit, it’s important to take into account any brokerage fees, taxes, and other charges that may apply.

Profit from dividend received from the company also forms a part of the total profit.
It’s also important to consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

How to Calculate Profit in Share Market?


To calculate profit in the share market, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Determine the purchase price of the shares: This is the price at which you bought the shares.
  2. Determine the sale price of the shares: This is the price at which you sold the shares.
  3. Calculate the difference between the purchase price and the sale price: Subtract the purchase price from the sale price to determine your profit or loss on the shares.
  4. Calculate the brokerage and other charges: Add the brokerage charges, transaction charges, and any other charges incurred while buying and selling the shares.
  5. Subtract the charges from the profit: Subtract the charges from the profit to get the net profit

To calculate the profit or loss from a stock market investment in India, you can use the following formula:

Profit or Loss = (Sell Price – Buy Price) x Quantity

  • Sell Price: The price at which you sold the stock
  • Buy Price: The price at which you bought the stock
  • Quantity: The number of shares you bought

Example: If you bought 100 shares of XYZ Ltd for Rs.50 per share, and sold them for Rs.60 per share, your profit would be Rs. (60-50)*100 = Rs. 1000

If the brokerage charge is Rs. 50 and other charges is Rs. 20, then the net profit will be Rs.1000-50-20 = Rs.930

It’s important to note that this is just an example and your actual profit or loss may be different depending on the share price, charges and taxes applicable.
It’s always a good idea to keep accurate records of your transactions, including the date of the transaction, the security name and quantity, the purchase and sale price, and the broker’s name.
This will be helpful in calculating your profit or loss and in case of any scrutiny by the tax department.


  1. What is the difference between profit and loss in the stock market?

    Profit is the amount of money earned when the selling price of a stock is higher than the purchase price, while loss is the amount of money lost when the selling price is lower than the purchase price.

  2. How do I calculate my profit or loss in the stock market?

    Profit or loss is calculated by subtracting the purchase price of a stock from the selling price. If the selling price is higher than the purchase price, the investor earns a profit. If the selling price is lower than the purchase price, the investor incurs a loss.

  3. What factors can affect my profit or loss in the stock market?

    Profit or loss can be affected by various factors such as market conditions, company performance, and overall economic conditions. Additionally, brokerage fees, taxes, and other charges can also affect the profit or loss.

  4. How do I account for dividends in my profit or loss calculation?

    Dividends received during the holding period need to be included while calculating profit or loss, as they will affect the final profit or loss.

  5. What should I consider before making an investment decision in the stock market?

    It’s important to consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. Additionally, one should research the company, its management, and its financials, and also consider the risks and rewards of the investment.

  6. How do I reduce my risk and increase my chances of earning a profit in the stock market?

    Diversifying your portfolio, monitoring your investments regularly, and having a long-term investment horizon are some of the ways to reduce risk and increase chances of earning a profit in the stock market.
