
What is Bank Nifty CE and PE along with example? | Bank Nifty CE vs PE

What is Bank Nifty CE and PE along with example? | Bank Nifty CE vs PE

What is BankNifty CE and PE?


BankNifty CE and PE are two types of derivatives that are based on the Bank Nifty index. They are used by traders and investors as a way to speculate on the future performance of the Indian banking sector.

CE stands for “call option,” while PE stands for “put option.”
In the context of Bank Nifty, a call option is a contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying index (Bank Nifty) at a certain price (strike price) on or before a certain date (expiration date).
A put option, on the other hand, is a contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying index at a certain price on or before a certain date.

Call options are typically used when an investor expects the price of the underlying index to rise, while put options are used when an investor expects the price of the underlying index to fall.

When an investor buys a call option, they pay a premium to the seller of the option.
If the price of the underlying index rises above the strike price, the option holder can exercise their right to buy the index at the strike price, and then sell it at the higher market price, resulting in a profit.
If the price of the underlying index does not rise above the strike price, the option holder can choose not to exercise their right to buy the index, and the option will expire worthless.

When an investor buys a put option, they pay a premium to the seller of the option.
If the price of the underlying index falls below the strike price, the option holder can exercise their right to sell the index at the strike price, and then buy it at the lower market price, resulting in a profit.
If the price of the underlying index does not fall below the strike price, the option holder can choose not to exercise their right to sell the index, and the option will expire worthless.

Traders and investors can use Bank Nifty CE and PE options to speculate on the short-term performance of the banking sector, and also to hedge their positions in the underlying index.
As with any other type of trading, it’s essential to understand the risks and to have a well-defined trading strategy, and also to use proper risk management techniques.

What is the Difference between BankNifty PE and CE?


The difference between Bank Nifty PE and CE lies in the type of option they are and the rights they provide to the option holder.

A Bank Nifty CE (Call Option) is a contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy the underlying index at a certain price (strike price) on or before a certain date (expiration date). The holder of a CE can profit from a rise in the value of the index by exercising the option to buy at the lower strike price.

A Bank Nifty PE (Put Option) is a contract that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell the underlying index at a certain price (strike price) on or before a certain date (expiration date). The holder of a PE can profit from a fall in the value of the index by exercising the option to sell at the higher strike price.



An example of Bank Nifty CE and PE would be as follows:

Let’s say the current Bank Nifty index is at 30,000 and an investor believes that the banking sector will perform well and the index will rise in the next month.
The investor decides to buy a Bank Nifty CE option with a strike price of 30,500 and an expiration date of one month from now. The investor pays a premium of Rs. 100 for this option.

If, at expiration, the Bank Nifty index is at 31,000, the option holder can exercise their right to buy the index at 30,500 and sell it at the market price of 31,000, resulting in a profit of 500 (31,000 – 30,500 – 100). If the Bank Nifty index is below 30,500 at expiration, the option will expire worthless and the investor will lose the premium paid.

On the other hand, Let’s say the current Bank Nifty index is at 30,000 and an investor believes that the banking sector will not perform well and the index will fall in the next month.
The investor decides to buy a Bank Nifty PE option with a strike price of 29,500 and an expiration date of one month from now. The investor pays a premium of Rs. 100 for this option.

If, at expiration, the Bank Nifty index is at 29,000, the option holder can exercise their right to sell the index at 29,500 and buy it at the market price of 29,000, resulting in a profit of 400 (29,500 – 29,000 – 100).
If the Bank Nifty index is above 29,500 at expiration, the option will expire worthless and the investor will lose the premium paid.

It’s important to note that these are just examples and the actual results can vary depending on the market conditions and other factors.


  1. What is the difference between Bank Nifty CE and PE?

    CE is a call option and PE is a put option. A call option gives the holder the right to buy the underlying index at a certain price, while a put option gives the holder the right to sell the underlying index at a certain price.

  2. How do I trade Bank Nifty CE and PE?

    Bank Nifty CE and PE options can be traded on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) through a broker. Traders and investors need to have a trading account and sufficient funds to trade these options.

  3. What is the strike price in Bank Nifty CE and PE?

    The strike price is the price at which the holder of the option can buy (in case of CE) or sell (in case of PE) the underlying index. The strike price is fixed at the time of buying the option.

  4. How do I determine the premium for Bank Nifty CE and PE?

    The premium for Bank Nifty CE and PE options is determined by the market conditions and other factors such as volatility, time to expiration and interest rates. The premium can be found on the exchange’s website or through a broker.

  5. What is the expiration date for Bank Nifty CE and PE?

    The expiration date is the date on which the option contract expires. On the expiration date, the option holder can exercise their right to buy or sell the underlying index at the strike price.

  6. What are the risks of trading Bank Nifty CE and PE?

    Trading in Bank Nifty CE and PE options is subject to market risks and the value of the options may fluctuate depending on the performance of the underlying index. It is essential to understand the risks and to have a well-defined trading strategy before engaging in options trading.

  7. How do I use Bank Nifty CE and PE for hedging?

    Bank Nifty CE and PE options can be used to hedge positions in the underlying index. For example, if an investor is holding a long position in the Bank Nifty index, they can buy a put option to protect themselves against a potential fall in the index’s value.
